FIMCAP Europe pub quiz

Evy Hoeben Activities, News

FIMCAP Europe invites everybody to join the first FIMCAP Pub Quiz. The quiz will take place on Wednesday 9th of December, at 19:00 CET. To join the quiz you have to fill in the registration form before the 7th of December 2020, 12:00 CET. This will give us the time to form the teams. The link for joining the quiz …

World Camp 2022

Evy Hoeben Activities, News

We would like to present to you the host organisation of the next FIMCAP World Camp: Chiro Botswana! Chiro Botswana created a great video to announce the World Camp: click here to watch it. The World Camp will take place in July-August 2022. Something to look forward to! A big thank you to Chiro Botswana for taking up this engament!

FIMCAP General Assembly Activities

From the 24th of August until the 2nd of September the General Assembly will take place in Belgium. The General Assembly is the highest decision making body of FIMCAP, taking place every 3 years. The General Assembly is made up of representatives from each member organization. These representatives set the direction of FIMCAP for the next three years. For the General …

EuroCourse 2018 “Head in the Cloud” Activities

EuroCourse is an international opportunity for European leaders organised by FIMCAP, the international federation of Catholic parochial youth movements. This year’s EuroCourse, titled Head in the Cloud, kicked off on Thursday 1st February. The theme chosen was media literacy and critical thinking. 24 participants aged between 18 and 25 years, originating from 8 different countries, including Malta, Germany, Catalonia, Lithuania, …

World Camp 2018 Activities

Every three years FIMCAP organizes a World Camp. A World Camp brings together around 60-70 youth leaders from all over the world. They will share games, songs and ideas from their local youth movement. Together they will reflect and work on a specific theme. After spending a first week together to get to know each other, the participants split up …

Continental Conferences Activities

Both FIMCAP Europe as FIMCAP Africa will organize their continental conference this autumn. From the 11th until the 15th of October the EuroConference will take place in Malta, hosted by ZAK. Delegates from all European member organizations are expected on this conference to plan the work and the projects of FIMCAP Europe for the next years. A new presidium will …

EuroCamp 2017 Activities

EuroCamp is an annual summer camp organised by FIMCAP Europe for youth members and youth leaders. Every year one of FIMCAP Europe‘s member organisations hosts the EuroCamp. This year Katholische Jungschar from Austria is inviting you to take part in an extraordinary experience. The theme of this year is “Open the dialogue”. Together with youngsters having a migration or refugee …