We would like to present to you the host organisation of the next FIMCAP World Camp: Chiro Botswana! Chiro Botswana created a great video to announce the World Camp: click here to watch it. The World Camp will take place in July-August 2022. Something to look forward to! A big thank you to Chiro Botswana for taking up this engament!
Young Voices on Climate Justice
Last week Generation Climate Europe (GCE) presented its report “Young Voices on Climate Justice”. GCE is the largest coalition of youth-led NGOs at the European level, pushing for stronger action from the EU on climate and environmental issues. FIMCAP Europe is one of the founding members of GCE and is taking the lead in the working group on climate justice. …
You are invited to join a game that will be played all over the world. 4 international teams try to earn as many points as possible in one weekend. Join and collect points for your team! Division of the groups In our FIMCAP family we currently have 31 member organisations + 1 observer member. That makes 32 organisations. These will …
Call for Financial Committee Members
On the FIMCAP General Assembly of 2019, it was agreed that it would strengthen FIMCAP to have a financial committee. The financial committee will have the task to develop a financial policy and to provide assistance to the FIMCAP presidium on financial matters. This financial committee will be made up of maximum 5 volunteers. Meetings will be mainly via skype. In …
Non-Formal Education Forum
Our President Marie Lavall represented FIMCAP at the first World Non-Formal Education Forum in Rio de Janeiro. The idea of the forum was to bring together young people from all over the world and to promote the exchange of ideas and visions. In addition to many workshops around the main topic, there was also a speech by Jayathma Wickramanayake, the …
FIMCAP stands up against climate change
Roman Sieler is currently representing FIMCAP at COP25, the UN climate conference. He is part of the delegation of the European Youth Forum. As FIMCAP we find it very important to be there and to raise our voice about the climate crisis. FIMCAP therefore calls for political decision makers to increase collective efforts against the climate crisis. We collected a …
New FIMCAP Presidium
On the General Assembly in August a new FIMCAP presidium was elected. Our new Presidents for the next 3 years are Marie Lavall from KjG Germany and Ruben Leeman from Chiro Flanders. Our new Spiritual Assistant is Fr. Wilson Mendes, who is currently working as chaplain of Chiro Philippines. Evy Hoeben is continuing as Secretary General and celebrated her 10 …
Volunteers wanted!
FIMCAP is always looking for volunteers. Do you want to help to make our worldwide network stronger? Do you have specific talents that you want to develop further together with people all around the world? Then take a look at the opportunities that we offer! Currently we are looking for a Webmaster and a Coordinator for the World Camp. If …
Together for Diversity, Peace and Respect
Now more than ever: together for diversity, peace and respect. With these words, FIMCAP Europe issued a statement one year ago. Now this statement is more accurate than ever. We as FIMCAP stand for unity, solidarity and respect. We see cultural diffences as an enrichment and not as a threat. We show we can play and work together across borders. We …
Year on Child Labor
Every year FIMCAP Day marks the start of a new year theme. The 20 November 2015 was the start of the year on child labor. We might think that child labor is a very specific problem and only a concern in specific regions, but we forget that, no matter where we live, our behavior as a consumer often keeps such …