
Intercontinental Events




The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of FIMCAP, taking place every three years. It brings together delegates from each member organisation. These delegates set the direction of FIMCAP for the next three years. All major decisions are taken by the General Assembly, like for example the election of the Intercontinental Presidium. Observer organisations and guests are invited for the General Assembly, but they don’t have voting rights. 

A General Assembly consists traditionally of four parts:

  1. Statutory part
    • A General Assembly cannot be called a General Assembly if it doesn’t contain a statutory part. All other parts are stimulated, but optional. Among the statutory obligations are the elections of the Intercontinental Presidium, the financial reporting and the admission of new member organisations. 
  2. Study theme
    • A General Assembly is linked with a theme that is seen as important for youth work and youth organisations. During the General Assembly the member organisations will exchange thoughts about this theme and discuss how FIMCAP and its member organisations can work on it during the next three years.
  3. Continental meetings
    • Before and after the General Assembly there is the opportunity to come together within the continental structures of FIMCAP. 
  4. Inspiration 
    • Time for networking and time for the host organisation to show its culture and its way of working.

The General Assembly is every time hosted by a different member organisation.

The next General Assembly is scheduled for 2022. 



Every three years FIMCAP organizes a World Camp as encounter for young people, coming from all over the world. The camp always takes place in the country of one of our member organisations. The World Camp is not only an encounter between youngsters from the FIMCAP member organisations but also an encounter with the local culture and reality of the hosting organisation, as the participants are involved in local projects.

A World Camp brings together around 60 participants for 3 weeks. Each World Camp has its theme, which is brought to the participants via discussions, games and speakers. 

A World Camp is divided in three parts:

  1. Welcoming days: program with all participants together. Participants get to know each other, the hosting organisation and the host country. The theme is introduced.
  2. Project days: the participants are split in smaller groups with mixed nationalities. Each group goes to a different project to do voluntary work. During the project days the participants stay with a host family.
  3. Closing days: the participants come together again for closing sessions on the theme and evaluation.

The next World Camp is scheduled for 2024.



FIMCAP Day is held every 20th of November to celebrate our solidarity as one organisation that focuses on the development and well-being of children and youth worldwide. The date refers to the 20th of November 1989 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. FIMCAP recognises the Human Rights and subscribes to their recognition, in particular the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. FIMCAP expects its members to subscribe to these rights. 




FIMCAP stimulates and supports partnerships between its members.  Within a partnership 2 or 3 countries will come to a closer cooperation for a period of several years.  With these partnerships we aim to strengthen both organizations’ capacities and to encourage mutual understanding.


Continental Events




FIMCAP is divided into four continental structures: FIMCAP Africa, FIMCAP Asia, FIMCAP Europe and FIMCAP Latin America. Each of these continental structures has its own way of working and its own activities. 
Each continental structure organises on a regular basis a continental conference. This is a meeting of all member organisations of that respective continent. On these continental conferences they discuss the specific challenges for their continent.




EuroCamp is an annual youth exchange organized by FIMCAP Europe, taking place in July or August. Every year the EuroCamp is hosted by a different member organization. The target group are youngsters between 16 and 20 years old. With the EuroCamp FIMCAP wants to offer a first international and intercultural experience. The focus is on exchanging ideas and games and getting to know peers from other youth organizations. Every year there is a specific theme that the participants will experience.




EuroCourse in an annual training course organised by FIMCAP Europe, usually taking place in the period around Easter. Every year the EuroCourse is hosted by a different member organisation. The target group are youth leaders (18+) who are active as leaders of a local group. In comparison to the annual EuroCamp, the focus in the EuroCourse is more on learning new skills, gaining knowledge and capacity building. Every year there is a specific theme put forward that will be explored and discussed by the participants.



EuroTraining is a training course that is organised by FIMCAP Europe every second year. The EuroTraining is organised by the European Pool of Trainers and usually takes place in one of the countries of the member organisations of FIMCAP Europe. The target group are experienced leaders or trainers on a regional or national level. In comparison to the annual EuroCourse the focus is more on training how to organise and facilitate courses, on methodology and communication and on learning how to organise international exchanges and activites with international participants.




A Roundabout is an exchange between local groups of two or more European member organisations. Local groups take turns to visit each other and do a camp together. In this informal setting the youngsters get a glimpse of how other youth organisations organize their camps and they discover each other’s country and culture.