Country: Haiti
Full name of organisation: Kiro Haiti
When did the organisation start? 1960
How many members do you have? 50,000 to 60,000 members
What kind of activities do you do?
Trainings, summer camps, cultural and educational activities.
Do your members wear a uniform or use any symbol?
Our members wear a uniform
Do you have a theme for the year?
Kiwo Ayiti se pou nou… An n aji plis pou l grandi (Kiro Haiti is our country, let’s act for its development)
Do you have any international partnerships or activities?
Do you publish a magazine or newsletter for your members?
Magazine and Newsletter
Full name of the organisation: Niños Perseverantes Paraguayos Católicos.
Abbreviation: Nippac
When did the organisation start? It was first founded under the name Perseverance in 1982, its precursors were Father Ernesto Sánchez, Elodia Núñez, Pabla Cáceres and Mónica de Langhe. In 1986 the movement was extended to another parish, and NIPPAC was formalised in 1988. Monsignor Melanio Medina officially recognizes NIPPAC as a Movement of the Diocese of Benjamin Aceval in 1989. How many members does it have? It has 300 active members.
What kind of activity do they carry out? We are a movement that holds weekly meetings, thus strengthening the integral growth of its members and the encounter with Jesus and Mary. In addition, we carry out social and community services. Camps.
Do your members wear a uniform or some kind of symbol? Yes, the bow tie and a flag with the symbol of Nippac.
Do you have a theme for the year? Recognize different ways of playing.
Are you in a society or do you have international activities? Yes, we are in a society.
Do you publish a magazine or newsletter for your members? Not currently.
More information:
Full name of the organisation: Juventud Parroquial Chilena
Abbreviation: JUPACH
When did the organisation start? Our movement started to be called JUPACH in 1965, when some priests and nuns of Belgian origin arrived as missionaries in our country. They brought with them the experience of having participated in Chiro and Patro and wanted to replicate this initiative with our children and youth, giving them a distinctly national stamp. The movement was born in the Diocese of Santa Maria de Los Angeles and the Archdiocese of Concepcion, where most of the parish groups currently exist and through the age of 55 it has spread throughout our country.
How many members do you have? Our Apostolic Movement has approximately 1800 active people.
What kind of activities do they carry out? Our activities are carried out in the eaves of the parishes, where children and young people who belong to JUPACH are evangelized through games. After more than 50 years, play is still our main working tool. Every year we have an annual motto, which through monthly steps, leads us to fulfill the final goal. All this is done through the “Jupachino Meetings for children and young people” on Saturdays or Sundays, depending on the reality of each parish group. The leaders prepare the day before each meeting in a preparation meeting for almost two hours each week where the motto is reviewed and games and activities are planned with each section. Among the other activities are: participation in the Eucharist, reflections, songs, expressions, prayers, camps, excursions, social and solidarity activities, days, crafts, anniversary celebrations, vigils, among others.
Do your members wear a uniform or some kind of symbol? We wear a bow tie, which identifies us all as Jupachinos, members of one family, and the presence of Christ, through the Cristogram printed on each tie. It is yellow and the Cristogram is white.
Do you have a theme for the year? Every year, the National Team convenes a National Assembly, where members of Diocesan Teams and groups without a Diocese participate, where they evaluate the past year and seek guidelines to continue with JUPACH. This year we worked on the value of play, through our motto: “So that I do not forget to love… Jesus teach me to play!
Are you in a society or do you have international activities? As an Apostolic Movement, we are involved in the National Youth Ministry and also in the Youth Ministry of each diocese. We also participate in FIMCAP Latin America and FIMCAP activities worldwide Do you publish a magazine or newsletter for your members? There are bimonthly magazines that are published on our website: There each Coordination Team and Leaders find the Coordination Guide and a magazine for the leaders. In them you will find the suggested material to work on the Motto, the Accents of each month and activities for each section.
More information: Our organization has a National Team composed of an Advisor (Priest), a Lay Advisor, two coordinators and a Finance Officer. At the Diocesan level, the teams have Priest Advisors, Lay Advisors and two coordinators. The local groups have the same structure and organisation by age and colour, each being called a Section and each Section has Families of children named as follows: Green Section: from 6 to 9 years old. They symbolize Hope. Red Section: from 10 to 12 years old. They symbolize Strength. Blue Section: from 13 to 14 years old. They symbolize the High Ideals and the Aspiring Section or Group of Friends: 15 to 16 years. They symbolize Friendship.
More information:
JUPACH Pilgrimage -
JUPACH Diocesan Day -
National Assembly of JUPACH 2020