Committees & working groups

FIMCAP has many opportunities for its member organisations to be involved in the structures.

The Financial Committee

The financial committee is the supporting body on finances of FIMCAP. It’s members support the FIMCAP continents and the Intercontinental level on budgeting, fundraising and financial strategies. The financial committee meets monthly online. 

  • Ernest Ackon Ernest Ackon 
    Chair of financial committee
    CYO Ghana
  • Markus Peier Markus Peier 
    Chair of financial committee
    KjG Germany
  • Alusine Sonnie Alusine Sonnie 
    Member of financial committee 
    CYO Sierra Leone 
  • Geril Gabriel Geril Gabriel
    Member of financial committee
    Chiro Philippines 
  • Adric Etheridge Adric Etheridge
    Member of financial committee
    FDF Denmark 

The working group on Communication

The working group on communication is made up of various task forces: The editorial team, the pool of translators, the social media team, the homepage team and the team for graphic/video design.

  • Christina Cristea Christina Cristea
    Chair of communication
    AGLT Romania
  • Manuela Hirzel Manuela Hirzel 
    Editorial Team
    Jubla Switzerland
  • Antonio Yayrator Korkuvi Antonio Yayrator Korkuvi
    Editorial Team
    CYO Ghana


French, Belgian and Dutch youth organizations work on the project of an international pooling.