We received the good news that FIMCAP is officially selected to take part in the 9th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue (EUYD). Member of the policy pool of FIMCAP Europe were involved in previous cycles and it is a recognition of their hard work that we have been selected again. The 9th EUYD cycle will focus on “engaging together for a sustainable and inclusive Europe”.
The EU Youth Dialogue is a process giving young people the chance to get into a dialogue with EU decision makers. It takes place via the EU Youth Conferences, which are hosted on a regular basis and consist of workshops and discussion sessions with representatives of the EU Parliament, Commission, and other EU bodies. The conferences are organized by each country presiding over the Council of the EU and mostly take place in these countries’ capitals. They bring together national delegates, which are selected through the national youth councils, as well as representatives of international youth organizations – such as FIMCAP.
As FIMCAP, we have already been part of the previous cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue and were once again selected to be represented in the current cycle. This is especially valuable for us, as the topics of this cycle – sustainability and inclusion – align perfectly with our values and our political work. Being part of the EU Youth Dialogue allows us to have our voices heard at the EU level and gives us the opportunity to impact political decision for the better.
The first conference of the new cycle was organized by France and took place in January 2022. Unfortunately, a conference in France was impossible due to covid- restrictions, therefore, it was held as a digital event. Nevertheless, it allowed for interesting exchange with other young people and policy makers, and we had the chance to talk about sustainability and the inclusion of youth organizations on the local level with some policy makers. And we are already looking forward to the next conference!