FIMCAP is the international federation of catholic parochial youth movements. The abbreviation of FIMCAP comes from the original French title : «Fédération Internationale des Mouvements Catholiques d’Action Paroissiale». FIMCAP unites youth organizations which bring children and young people together during their leisure time.
The official birth of FIMCAP was announced during Easter celebrations at a large pilgrimage in Rome in April 1962. In 1976, FIMCAP was officially recognised as an International Catholic Organization by the Holy See. As FIMCAP, we identify ourselves as a Catholic federation, but we are open to all youth organizations who share our values.
There is a strong focus on the community and the local level: the member organizations consist of local groups, mostly set up in the neighbourhoods and parishes where the children and youngsters live. This group life gives them the opportunity to play, to come together and to learn from other children and young people through non-formal education.
In FIMCAP we want children and young people to find an appropriate place where they can play and grow up; where they are capable of expressing their opinion and interests; where they can learn about their responsibilities in society.
FIMCAP aims to unite and support its member organizations. By offering opportunities to come together in a spirit of fraternity and mutual understanding, FIMCAP creates the feeling of a community and stimulates exchanges on issues concerning youth and youth work.
Respect. Responsibility. Peace. Solidarity.All FIMCAP member organizations share these values and every member organization expresses these values in accordance to their own reality. FIMCAP and its members are open to these differences and welcome them as an enrichment for the identity of FIMCAP.
The Value of Play
“Every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.”
FIMCAP Theme 2019 – 2022

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FIMCAP wants to enable the encounter of young people with its activities.
There are intercontinental activities and continental activities.
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- info@fimcap.org
- Kipdorp 30
2000, Antwerp, Belgium